Wednesday, September 24, 2008

best day of summer!!

It was the best thing I did all summer.
It would be the best day of summer. Me and my whole family was really excited as we were going for rafting. Among us all, my dad knew the most about the sport.
When we reached the river it looked big like a hulk and it made me scared. The water was flowing very fast as if it was getting late to reach its destination but at the end of the day it was a lot of fun. I wore a life jacket while rafting but still got wet.
For me, it was the best day of summers.

Friday, September 5, 2008

My mom at 5 in the morning!!!

i slept at 12'o clock at night and now i have to get up at 5 to make sehri... when will my daughters be old enough so that they can get up by themsef and make sehri..OMG!! the kitchen is all messed up. I am sure that they slept late at night and they tried to make some snacks while they were awake and watching television.. i'll talk to their father today about it and he'll make their schedule and he'll keep a check on them if they are obeying it or not.....